March is always a busy month in this house.
My brother Alan's birthday is 14th, then my son Rob's on the 17th, 22nd is brother Alan & SIL Marg's wedding anniversary and Mother's Day is in there as a moveable feast.
This year Easter starts April 2nd with Good Friday and April is also a busy month with my other brother Bri on 4th, my DDIL Dani on the 12th.
The most important day of these two months, however, is 16th April when my darling little princess, my Ada becomes a two year old!
She isn't with me today and although I need and appreciate the 'breather. ( go to the gym, would you believe....?) I really miss her and will be happpy to have her back tomorrow. I'll see her at tea-time anyway as we're all going for a meal for Rob's birthday, which brings me back to the reason for this post.

After leaving Slimming World, at which I put ON, in the end one and a half pounds (!) I lost four pounds per week in the following two weeks under my semi-Atkins regime (doing Atkins proper, I can lose 11lbs in a week but it's hard to keep up if you live in the real world with normal peeps) and all seemed to be on course.
Then comes Thursday and a visit from our lovely number one son Matt and his girl so I cooked an indian meal for them..... and us! Then Friday and Hubby's Christmas present from Matt of an Indian Meal.....then Mother's Day..... Oh dear!
I've put two pounds back on! And we're off for Rob's meal now.....Oh dear again!
Heeellllppp.......! I'm really not going to be able to put the brakes on until after Easter am I...?! All my family seem to think about, when it comes to celebrating, is eating! Which is fine and dandy for them - they're all young and slim!
I am being good the rest of the time and I try to choose the low-fat options at the meals but it doesn't seem to help much.
I guess it's steak and salad tonight!....oh yumm...! LOL!
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