Saturday, 17 September 2016

Eiglas Pet Portraits

For some reason, I cannot get the tab to come up for this page  - the page is there if you Google it, but the tab won't show up which is most annoying!

So I have transferred it to here.

Artwork & Pet Portraits

Over the last few months, I've receded a little from crafting and gone back more to my Art roots. I began to find making cards than no-one really wanted a bit pointless and began making more drawings and paintings.
I still make the odd card for family or friends but, to be honest, don't get the buzz from them I used to get.

So, I thought I'd update my blog with some of the art I've been making - mainly Pet Portraits.

So I made a new page and put all this stuff on but the page isn't showing in the tabs! :(   So I've just copied and pasted to here instead.

I apologize in advance for the watermarks - I've had a few of my drawings stolen and don't know any other way of making it difficult for thieves.

My Roo


ChickenYard Family


Owl in Flight



Kerry (coloured)








Lazy Dawg!

Joe Bloggs

Horse & Groom

Fit Family

Buster Yorkie

Buster Staffie


Adi with Dummy

Adi Taking Obstacles

Running Lab

Same Gender Wedding

Monster Truck

Albie Lying on Mum



Brave Sir Hal




LiverBird #2

LiverBird #3

Mermaid With Shell Mirror



Bix Wheaten

My CharliePoo

Dawn's Cats

Di's Dogs

Princess Issabella


Maria's Ben

My Merlin

Pam's Sammy
Alan & Marg


Scottish Groom


Muslim Wedding

Sailor Wedding

This list isn't exhaustive but it is a substantial representation of what I've been doing. Some are meant to be just digis as the recipients wished to shade and colour them themselves and some are more detailed. I've not done much in the way of colour portraits - that's something I'd like to try when I have time.

I'll add to this as I get time and find odds and ends on my pc!

I'd just like to add that these are genuine hand-drawings from photographs - not software-manipulated photographs, like I have seen being passed off as drawings on a couple of sites!  I draw from the photograph in pencil, then I draw again over in pen and erase the pencil (or not, depending on the project). 

At this point I do scan the drawing into my pc and 'pixel-clean' it to remove smudges (yes - I'm a messy worker! ;) ) and artifacts left from  the eraser.

At this stage, if required, I can sometimes digitally paint some of the shading in. I'm only just learning to do this as I'm not very technical (as you can tell from my method! lol!) and I just don't have the tablet-drawing skills to draw straight to tablet - wish i could! I do admire (and somewhat envy!) the likes of Mo Manning and other digi artists who can! I'm never sure if it's my skill lacking or just my very basic tablet!

Hope you all like them! 

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