Still ill.....Oh! I am so fed up of this. I can't breathe properly and if I start coughing, I can't stop. My ribs are sore and my head aches from the coughing.
The good news is the snow is about four inches thick! Never been known in this area for years! It's too warm as Liverpool is right on the Gulf Stream and we only ever get a light frosting. The last 'proper' snow I remember was about ten years ago and we took Merlin out in it and he loved it.
It has snowed since - Izzy disappeared in it and we had to carry her home! That was April 2006 I think. It disappeared fast though.

Mr Eiglas and I haven't been out of the house for days but the snow had the desired effect. We didn't go far - only to the park down the road - but it was lovely! The air was so fresh and crisp it was a joy to breathe it.The best part of our little foray though, was the sight of entire families - Dads too - building snowmen and having snowball fights. It was just so.....normal!
In a society where we're force-fed troubling images and the media seem to revel in presenting us with the bleakest outlook for our species, watching those little families just enjoying each other's company in the snow, was a joy.
We don't live in a posh village or a rural hamlet, we live in Liverpool, a city that, in general, gets a press on a par with estate-agents so you'd expect I'd have seen some of these 'asbo' behaviours so endemic in our papers but you'd be wrong.
Granted, I don't 'do' town - never much liked the press of cities - but we live close to two thriving shopping areas, one even has the local title 'village', and we still manage to lead a very peaceful existence!
I wonder if we're letting the media 'blow up' our social problems somewhat?
I'm not saying there is no anti-social activity - I know there is and I feel for the innocent people stuck in the middle of it - I just wonder about the scale.
Oh wow! How did I get here? I guess it's the temperature talking!
Hope you're all well and not in any trouble because of the snow.
Going to make a cuppa now.......