I had a lovely surprise when I came on here just now. As well as some lovely comms on Rozzy's Snowman card there was a message from my team-mate Peggy, who has kindly selected my blog for an award! It also appears, I have a few questions to answer.....!
1Where is your cell phone? On charge at the other side of the room.
2.Your hair? Auburn and long with 'blonde' bits creeping in...
3.Your mother? No longer with us but completely crackers when she was!
4.Your father? Also gone and much missed.
5.Your favorite food? No favourites - I like anything & everything provided it's beautifully cooked.
6.Your dream last night? Remembered! I dreamed about my lickle granddaughter
who has recently had her bottle banned by her Mummy and I was trying to give her milk from a water bottle with one of those spouts on! She's only 18 months and I guess it bothers me even more than I thought!
7.Your favorite drink? Water
8.Your dream / goal? World peace & love.
9.What room are you in? My studio.
10.Your hobby? Crafting/writing/reading/painting.
11.Your fear? Harm to my family.
12.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Same but a bit richer, perhaps another grandbaby!
13.Where were you last night? Crafting until approx 5:15 am
14.Something that you are not? Jealous, mean, dishonest, unkind, materialistic....thin.....
15.Muffins? Shouldn't but do.....
16.Wishlist item? Bungalow (....sore knees!)
17.Where did you grow up? Liverpool
18.Last thing you did? Eat Bananas & ice-cream with family!
19.What are you wearing? Easy clothes
20.Your tv? Which one? My studio one is small Pacific with built-in video for craft-recording
21.Your pets? My beautiful dog died last year but I have a cat, Tabitha and I 'borrow' my daughter's Bichon and my son's Labrador.
22.Best friend? I don't have just one. I have three. I also have some very very good cyber-buddies.
23.Your life? Very full & busy! Grandbaby Ada sees to that!
24.Your mood? Mostly happy.
25.Missing someone? My beautiful Merlin. I will never stop missing him......
26.Vehicle? Meriva
27.Something you are not wearing? My watch.
28.Your favorite store? TK Maxx
29.Your favorite colour? Don't have one. Depends on what the subject is. I like my grass green, my earth red-brown and my sky various colours. White is good for snow.....etc....etc...
30.When was the last time you laughed? Earlier with my son & his girlfriend and my Hubby.
31.Last time you cried? When I wrote about Merlin five minutes ago. I cry about him all the time.
33.One place I go over and over? Calderstones Park, Knowsley Safari Park, Scotland
34.Facebook? Not much
35.Favorite place to eat? Home
Apparently I have to pass this one to five other victims -- I mean good friends with nice blogs! LOL!
Cheryl, who has had a bad time this week but who is mega-talented whether she know it or not. Pattie Who has the most amazing projects Lisa Who always has something nice to say
I hope you all enjoy your awards!