For this project, I used a resist technique I haven't used for a couple of years! I'd not forgotten it but got into other things until I tripped over a really fab blog called Inkstains !
What a great site - loads of 'arty' style stuff (...nothing wrong with 'cute' but I've done a lot of that recently...!) and in the archives was this timely reminder of my 'inky fingers' days! LOL!
I could write it all down here, but as the multi-talented Ink-Stained Roni does it so much better than I could, I'll just provide a link instead (...lazy or what! LOL!)!
For a first attempt after at least three years (!) I'm quite pleased with this result and combined it with Challenge 7 on the lovely AllSorts blog requiring the use of acetate.
OMG! How hard is that stuff to photograph?! I'll try a few more photo's tomorrow in daylight to see if that works any better. In the meantime, I've uploaded two photo's of the project and the truth is somewhere in the middle!
Hope you like the project and you MUST visit Ink Stains if you like inky-arty type things.
And no, there's no candy offered for adding these two links, so they MUST be good.......!
Thanks for looking Chucks!