Sunday, 25 March 2012

I don't know what's going on with Blogger today.......

....but I can't do a thing with it! 

I've been trying for two hours, without success,  to access various things I can normally get to in a trice and the 'kill pages' keeps popping up.  And where have the little 'scewdriver' icons gone for editing your posts etc? Don't tell me they've removed that facility too?  Do I really have to go into 'Design/edit posts' etc just to adjust a bit of text?

Has everything really gone so much to pot in my absence?

I've tried turning off all my extensions but all that did was make my extensions not work! LOL!

So, I was trying to enter a challenge on one of my usual sites for male cards and I just cannot get there so I'll upload my card and try again later.

I'm sorry about the poor resolution but I forgot to snap it so my lovely son snapped it on his phone and messaged it to me.  Also sorry about the sideways view of the inner - Blogger will not let me have it landscape, however small I make it.  I even put it on a square white 'canvas' the same size as the front but it still turned it!   

.....aaaahhhhh! Finally did it!  I had to make a white square mat first then copy and paste the image of the inner onto it! What a faff!

Anyway, this is it (...and I'm now wondering 'was it worth it...?'  LOL!) I'll find the blog later and enter it ...if I can find it!

I've also noticed that my last two cards aren't on her either so I'll fix that now!

My lovely nephew Richard had his 40th birthday last week and I can't believe that! 

To me, he'll always be the eight year old who decided to visit his Auntie Eileen, the other side of the city, on the bus, in a deluge, with no coat on and without telling his mama! LOL!  He came to stay every week-end after that until he was well into his teens.  

He's the MD of his own security firm now and is part of the security forces looking after the Olympics! The original self-made man although he would pass on a lot of the credit to his beautiful wife Amy, who is his rock.

Just love him!  This is his card

He shared his celebrations with his lovely and much loved Mama, Pat, who was a very glamorous 80! Here's Pat's card.

It was a fab evening with live band and super food!It was especially lovely to meet up with family we don't see nearly enough of.

The whole thing was thought up and organized by Richard's sister, my neice Marion, who is an utter star!  She's always doing everything for everyone else and, I suspect, doesn't get nearly enough credit for her hard work and kind heart.

I appreciate her very much and made her a card and a Swarovski crystal necklace very similar to this one to thank her for all her hard work.

Be back soon with more!


1 comment:

  1. Your cards are great and the necklace beautiful. It's always the same when blogger changes stuff isn't it...lots of mess. Hugs lin


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I've been home from work now for nearly three months - and it has been wonderful...! I've drawn, painted, had an amazing time with ...