Tuesday, 13 July 2010

My New Digistore!

I've been asked loads of times where peeps can buy my digis from and up to now, they couldn't because I didn't sell them! LOL!
However, being a pushover and being, not a little, flattered by these requests, I've turned my test-blog Eiglassing, into a sort of showroom!

I've uploaded a few of my sketches and have more on my hard-drive (....thank you Matthew for rescuing it for me....!) in need of attention, plus a couple of the said requests in the pipe-line.

At the present, it's only in the way of a 'testing of the water' to see how it goes. I ain't a natural businesswoman and wil probably give more away than sell!

I don't yet have a 'PayPal' button or a 'shopping basket' so if there are any you are interested in, just e-mail me and I'll send your image as an attachment.

I also have digital papers but will probably have to enlist '4shared' or something for those as they're too big for most e-mails.

I hope you will like my images and if you want to see anything in particular I can try to help!


  1. Congratulations on taking the plunge hon. Good luck.

    Lin x

  2. At last Ei - really pleased to see you are doing it as it were! It's made my day.....and a most cheery break from sweeping up dust and avoiding lumps falling from scafolding! Cheers Claire x


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and comment!
I will try to respond where time allows.

Lots going on at Chez Eiglas... ;)

I've been home from work now for nearly three months - and it has been wonderful...! I've drawn, painted, had an amazing time with ...